Locker Room Monitor

Locker room: 

  • Locker rooms must be supervised by a screened and approved adult. This adult will regularly and frequently enter the locker room to monitor activity.
  • Coaches and adults are not to dress, shower or change in the locker room with athletes.
  • Coaches and adult participants are not to be alone with an athlete in the locker room.
  • Any meeting with a coach and minor in the locker room must include another adult.
  • Cell phones and other mobile devices with recording capabilities, which include voice, still camera and video cameras, are not permitted in the locker room.
  • Separate locker rooms should be available for both genders.

Locker Room Monitor

  • The role of the locker room monitor is crucial to safety, and limits negative interactions amongst players. The locker room monitor evolves over age grouping. The locker room monitor must ensure all players are acting appropriately. You are the first line of defense against bullying, and inappropriate behavior. Listening, and watching the players while they dress is key to the success of the locker room. Locker room monitor must be in the locker room prior to players arrival, the entire time players are in the locker room and be the last one to leave. When in the 10U area you’ll help the players tie their skates, and guide them in dressing if they don’t know how yet. Intervening in inappropriate interactions is crucial, and if any type of harassment, bullying, or sexual abuse occurs you are a mandated reporter. You must notify the Coach and the Team Manager immediately so measures can be taken. 
  • During the 8U season of players parents are allowed in the locker room to help their children get dressed, and tie skates. However, by the time they leave the 8U bracket and move up to the 10U bracket they need to know how to dress themselves.
  • During the 10U season of your player they will need to dress themselves, and the locker room monitors will be there to help guide and tie skates. Locker room monitors must be male. If a female is present she must wait outside the door and only occasionally look in to ensure conduct. After the boys are dressed waist down the female then can go into the locker room to assist. Two males in the locker room is preferred, but we understand that they may not be available every single time. We encourage all fathers to become safe sport trained in order to have as many males as we can for locker room monitoring. 
  • During the 12U and 14U season of your player they will need to dress and tie their skates completely. The role of the locker room monitor at this point is to solely ensure appropriate behavior in the locker room. 

Locker Room Code of Conduct:

  • Players are NOT to remain in the locker room without a locker room monitor present. If you are in the locker room and there are no adults you need to leave. 
  • No Horseplay. No pushing or shoving anyone. 
  • Absolutely no “locker room boxing”, nor will there be stick play off the ice. 
  • No ethnic, racial, sexual comments or behavior. Also, show respect at all times – no derogatory comments, bullying or hazing.
  •  Keep the locker room clean - Discard all trash in trash cans. This includes wrappers, cups, papers, tape, etc. Leave the locker room cleaner than when you arrived. 
  • Honor the Player Code of Conduct. 
  • Do not take items that do not belong to you. If it appears an item has been left behind, give it to a coach or a locker room monitor so they can try to return it to the owner. 
  • Listen – Pay Attention when you are addressed either individually or as a group. 
  • Don’t linger in the locker rooms. Do not make your coaches or locker room monitors wait for you while you get ready to leave. The locker room is a place to get ready, to learn or a place to get undressed. It is not a social place. 
  • Players will be held personally responsible for the destruction of any property. 
  • No Disruptive Behavior of any kind. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. 
  • Cellphones are to remain in your hockey bags at all times. Locker rooms are for changing - not taking pictures. Players who take pictures in the locker room are subject to suspension. If you choose to break any of the above listed rules, discipline action against you will be taken. We will not tolerate behavior problems in our Locker Room, hallways or on the ice.

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